samedi 28 septembre 2013

Launching of People in Fashion

Aloha fashion Dahlings,

As you all know yesterday was the big launching of People in Fashion with the collaboration of fashion blogger Alexandra Webber Isaacs. It was very nice to be there seeing all our fashion models...fashionisto/fashionista. ..photographers and makeup artists well tout la creme de la mode quoi!

Inside the magazine we will get to know all the designers such as Sanjeet Boolell who did the cover of People in Fashion with Super Model Geneviève Bruno and with a magnifique robe en blanc style Haute  I thought it was made by Lionnet et Fauzou but no! no! no! c'est bien une création de Monsieur Boolell. Il y l'interview de Sweetie Ramlagun. ..Anastasia Ramlall...Lionnet et Fauzou...Cedric Lanappe..Valerie lee qui est superbe dessus...Le grand photographe Kunal Junkee. Karen Pang ..Khatleen ma Kate Moss de Maurice qu'on le veuille ou pas...she is maverlous...she is the top one as model photo here in Mauritius the one and only super diva photo Miss Katia.M !!!

Bref revenons un peu a la soirée. ..i was really excited to attend to this launching but a little disappointed as knowing Alexandra , i thought she would do a party like Teen Vogue..Vogue. ..Fashion Night Out entre autres with photocall with logo of P.I.F and the contributors logo...but no ..nothing of these, la soirée was quite a "normal " one like every Friday at Henessy but with a Fashion Show

Anne-lise Ramooloo was the First Face followed by my Nadia if my mind stills here and with showstopper Geneviève bruno !
but it was a little bit messy too etant donné que les mannequins ont defilé l'une apres l'autre tout style et createur entremelé ce qui etait un peu troublant pour ceux qui ne connaissent justement pas le style des differents createurs a l'exception de Mario Guillot qui a un style obvious porté par la sublime Sandra Chesnais.
On aurait du annoncer le nom des createurs ou au moment que la fille parcours le tapis rouge, le  LOGO du createur projetté sur l'ecran blanc

Mais bon en gros it was a pleasure to be there...

et vous vous avez kiffé cet evenement? :)


3 commentaires:

  1. well just to clarify, i do not know where you were standing but the names/logos of the designers were displayed on projector while the models were walking down the catwalk. and Miss Bruno was not the only showstopper. EVERYONE was.
    In regards to the party, I think it was a great one as in fashion, the moto is '' less is more''. Alex did a great job in keeping everything simple. kuddos Alex.

    1. What's exactly your definition of a showstopper. Because in general fashion language, it means the last model to walk. How can EVERYONE be the last model to walk?

      Also, common sense would have it that the logo is projected on stage, not in a hidden area where no one did see it, not even me who was in the front row.

      "Less is more". I really do hope Anna Piaggi forgives fou for this one, dear...

    2. Hello les antonymes well petit cour du mannequinât ;

      First face on a fashion show is someone who opens the show such as Cara deLavigne for Dsquarred.

      Showstopper is someone who is the last to walk on the runway and close the show like Naomi Campbell for Diane von furstenberg for summer spring 2014.

      Donc si je ne me trompe pas la première était Annelise a sortir lors du lancement et la dernière est bel et bien Genevieve Bruno. Pour le final on les voit donc on ne peut dire que everybody was showstopper.
